b'STORMWATERCATALOGSTORMTROOPER INSTALLATION AND RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONSOverview BackfillParkUSA is a leader in pre-engineered environmentalAfter unit is set, the excavation should be completely products. Products are catalogued with standardbackfilled immediately and prior to filling with water. features as shown on specification material. However,The backfill material shall meet the specifications and these products are often furnished to meet specificrequirements for setting location (consult with design engineering requirements and have special features andengineer for backfill specifications). It is recommendedarrangements. In such cases, handling and installationthat backfill material be on site at the time of delivery.procedures may vary slightly depending upon the actualTwo methods of backfill are:type of construction. It is recommended that a companya. With material excavated placed in (1) one foot lifts and representative be consulted in each unique situation. compacted and tamped to original density or per owner/engineers requirements.STSOTROMSRTWMOARWTMAEWT REA RTERINTINETRIECNRETCPEERTPOCTREOSPRTSORSCodes and Installation b. Bank sand in (2) two foot lifts and compacted or water-Local codes and regulations should supersedejetted per owner/engineers requirements.all recommendations made by ParkUSA and its representatives, and the appropriate authorities shouldTesting (for tanks)be consulted before installation is made. Where anIf project specifications apparent conflict of code requirements and manufacturerrequire testing of recommendations or standard design exists, the assistancetanks, follow the of a company representative should be requested. Infollowing testing almost every instance, ParkUSA will be able to makeprocedure. All testing modifications necessary to comply with local codes,is performed by others.jurisdictions and interpretations, if notified prior to actual fabrication or upon order placement. Water TestAfter completing the Field Preparation piping, the unit shall The customer or his contractor shall prepare the excavationbe properly backfilled. to the proper depth using dimensional data and weights Fill the tank with water from approved submitted drawings. to the normal operating level. Record this level and let stand for 24 hours. Recheck the water level. A five percent Call 888-611-PARK to confirm excavation dimensions andor less variance is generally acceptable.Note that precast crane requirements. concrete tanks are designed for below grade installation with an earthen backfill. DO NOT fill tanks with water until All excavations should be shored or stepped back inthe tanks are properly backfilled. Filling tanks prior to accordance to OSHA recommendations. backfilling may cause abnormal stresses and may void the manufacturers warranty.A level base within the excavation and a minimum oftwelve (12) inches of clearance on all sides of the unit Vacuum Testingis required. The depth of the base and the material shall Some jurisdictions require testing of the tank prior to meet the specifications and requirements for the type of backfill. In this case, it is necessary that the tank be soil at the setting location (consult with design engineer tested using the vacuum in lieu of the water test. After for base specifications). completing the piping, all joints should be sealed with the mastic compound. All the piping must be sealed air-tight. All field excavation and preparation is the solePlace the vacuum test covers over the access holes.responsibility of the customer/contractor. Follow manufacturers test equipment instructionsfor pulling vacuum.SchedulingThe delivery of the unit should be scheduled at least48 hours in advance, weather permitting. To reschedulea delivery, a 24-hour notice is required.Delivery and PlacementUnit will be delivered and placed in the excavation by ParkUSA or its representatives, when accessible for crane truck. The crane operator will perform rigging and setting unit. It will be necessary for the customer/contractor to furnish the required labor to install the joint sealant and assist our crane operator with the installation. Backfill is the sole responsibility of the owner/contractor.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 55'