b'STORMWATERCATALOGTesting of Park Environmental Equipment StormTrooper Interceptor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0Test Overview StormTrooper Interceptor System will be tested in a full-scale simulation by flowing stormwaterthroughtheinterceptorsystemandanalyzingsamplestodeterminethe removal efficiency of the interceptor system. ThetestingsystemapparatuswilltesttwodifferentsizedStormTrooperInterceptor Systems; Model STSW-08 (rectangular design) and Model STSW-06 (cylindrical design).Each system will consists of an Interceptor Module and a Control Manhole. The Control Manhole will common to both systems. The interceptors will be activated/deactivated by the use of valves.The test apparatus is a closed-loop system recycling the water for the continual testing. The test apparatus will simulate actual gravity flow through the interceptor system. Refer to Figure .1 - StormTrooper Test Station Layout. The test will include multiple procedures to determine the effectiveness of each of the StormTrooper Interceptor Systems. The test will be grouped into two different tests; Group A - Determine the TSS Removal Efficiency With Coalescing MediaGroup B - Determine the TPH Removal Efficiency With Coalescing Media Test water will be stored and recycled through the system.Water will be pumped utilizing asubmersiblepumpcapableofproducingmaximumflowof526gpm.Aflowmeter apparatuswillbeusedregulateflowofthesimulatedstormwater.Thesimulated stormwater water will be pumped into a surge tank where it changes to gravity flow. Pre-measured solids and floatables will be introduced into the flow pattern. The simulated stormwater mixture will then flow into the StormTrooper Control Manhole, and then into the StormTrooper Interceptor.Separated effluent will flow to the control manhole outlet to a sample well where test effluent samples will be taken.4.0Testing Equipment Descriptions Refer to Figure .1 - StormTrooper Test Station Layout for a diagram of the test system 4.1 Reserve Tank - The Reserve Tank has the capacity of approximately 2500 gallons. Inside this tank is a 4 discharge centrifugal pump capable of up to 526 gallons per minute. The pump is a constant speed pump. The total water reserve for the entire system (not including interceptors) is 3,250 gallons.4.2 Water Meter - A 4 turbine water meter will register flow from the pump. The pump APPENDIX C dischargeflowrateisregulatedbyadjustingvalves#V1and#V2.Themeter registers the amount of water flow in gallons. The flow rate will be determined by the following method:4.2.1 Setting the Flow Rate - Adjust the valves #V1 & #V2 to permit water flow. The valve #V2 is a bypass to prevent the pump from overloading. With a stopwatch time the number of seconds it takes to flow 30 gallons. Use the - 9 - 8-11INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 355'