b'STORMWATERCATALOGTesting of Park Environmental Equipment StormTrooper Interceptor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PollutantInfluent Composite Total Suspended Solids (TSS)67 mg/l Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)65 mg/l Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)7.8 ugl/l Total Phosphorus (TP)263 ug/l Soluble Phosphorus (SP)56 ug/l Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)1288 ug/l Nitrate + Nitrite (N)558 ug/l Cu (Copper)27 ug/l Pb (Lead)114 ug/l Zn (Zinc)154 ug/l Oil & Grease10 mg/lTrash/Debris20 LBS The StormTrooper Interceptor System will collect and detain floatable debris, bedloadparticulate,freeoilandgrease,lowsolubilityandotherinsoluble petroleum hydrocarbons, settle able sediments, and pollutants including heavy metals,nitrogenandphosphorus nutrients,and organiccompoundsthatmay absorb or adhere to the solids in stormwater. Although the StormTrooper Interceptor System will have removal capacity for all stormwater pollutants, this test will focus on the Total Suspended Solids (TSS)andTotalPetroleumHydrocarbon(TPH)removalefficiencies exclusively. The EPA has established an 80% TSS removal standard (EPA-840-B-92-002). TheStormTroopertestwilldocumenttheperformanceinmeetingand exceeding this standard. 1.3TSS Particle Distribution TSSismadeupofvariousparticlesizes.Sartor(1972)investigated contaminants in street surface runoff. He noted the following distribution: 6% 43 micron, 37% ranging from 43 to 246 micron, and 57% 246 micron. In similar studies, Shaheen (1975a) documented the following distribution: 10% 75 micron, 32% ranging from 75 to 250 micron, 24% ranging from 250 to 420 micron, 19% ranging from 420 to 850 micron, and 15% ranging from 850 to 3350 micron.Another study by Sansalone (1997) documented runoff from a freeway; 10% 100 micron, 25% ranging from 100 to 400 micron, 15% ranging from 400 to 600 micron, 20% ranging from 600 to 1000 micron, and 30% ranging from 1000 to 10,000 micron.Combining this data and normalizing, the particle distribution is as follows: - 4 - 8-6350 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'