b'STORMWATERCATALOGAccess Hatchway with Safety NetInlet Pipe Outlet PipeOil/Floatables STSOTROMSRTWMOARWTMAEWT REA RTERINTINETRIECNRETCPEERTPOCTREOSPRTSORSBaffleCoalescing Media Plate PackDiffusion BaffleOPERATIONUntreated storm water enters the grit chamber on theoil rises to the top and solids drop to the bottom through inlet side of the StormTrooper AQ. Larger particles, as welldedicated surfaces and weep holes. Plate supports at the as semi-buoyant material, are captured in this chamberbottom allow for easy removal of the solids that collect to prevent excessive clogging and obstruction of thebeneath the plates. Because of the steep angles and frontal area of the coalescing media plates. This processshort travel distances, oils and solids are quickly released also reduces the potential for short circuiting and higherfrom the plates, eventually floating to the surface of the velocities through the plates. The diffusion baffle, whichStormTrooper unit or settling to the bottom.separates the two chambers, works to perform two vital functions. First, it distributes flow evenly through theSYSTEM COMPONENTSentire cross-section of the unit allowing for a more uniformThe StormTrooper AQ shall consist of a control manhole delivery of pollutants through the plate. Next, a waterconnected to a separator unit to remove debris (TSS) and quality orifice regulates flow through the plates and lowerhydrocarbons from stormwater. The separator unit shall be section of unit to prevent re-suspension of pollutants. Eachconnected to the control manhole by means of a flexible StormTrooper has a specific maximum flow rate that hasresilient rubber boot [mortar joint].The unit shall maintain been pre-calibrated. Higher flow rates by-pass the systema minimum separation of 36 inches between the control once the pre-calibrated flow rates are exceeded. manhole and the separator unit.Coalescing media plates: A submerged oil/floatable baffleThe separator unit shall contain a prefabricated corrugated is located around the effluent pipe to allow for the captureplate for intermittent and variable flows of water, oil, or and containment of these pollutants. Collected pollutantsany combination of non-emulsified oil-water mixtures will remain in the interceptor until removal. Because noranging from zero-flow up to one hundred percent of the filter cartridges are required, operating costs are minimal.maximum hydraulic capacity. This will allow the separator Furthermore, the StormTrooper AQ System has nounit to maintain an acceptable water effluent.moving parts, substantially reducing maintenance costs. As stormwater pollutants travel through the CMP pack, INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 59'