Hybrid PVC Manhole System


The Hybrid PVC Manhole System is an Easy-to-Install Corrosion-Free Solution for New Construction or Rehabilitation


The Hybrid PVC Manhole System combines FRP-lined concrete and PVC risers to create a 100% corrosion-resistant system that stands up against H2S gases.

Permanent, Structural Rehab Solution

Rehab is completed with corrosion-resistant materials that are permanently installed into the host manhole.

Quick and Easy Installation

Modular components nest together in a simple-to-follow process; rehab using the Hybrid PVC Manhole System can be completed in a live sewer environment with no bypass required.

Watertight Joints

One-piece riser eliminates the need for stacking sections; mastic between components forms a watertight bond.

Reduced Life-Cycle Costs

The PVC Manhole System provides lasting corrosion protection, extending the service life for long-term savings.

50-Year Warranty

Our system comes with a performance guarantee backed by a 50-year warranty.


The Hybrid PVC Manhole System combines the corrosion and abrasion resistance benefits of traditional lined manholes with the ease of installation and the widespread availability of industry-standard PVC pipes.

This system offers a simple, cost-effective, modular design that meets all structural and corrosion resistance requirements for use in municipal sewer systems throughout North America. It is available for both new construction and rehabilitation projects and comes with a 50-year warranty and 100-year design life.

Each Hybrid PVC Manhole System includes an FRP-lined reinforced concrete base and lid and a PVC riser, complete with a preinstalled ladder. Installation is quick and easy, and labor can be self-performed in the field.

With extensive testing and over 20 years of continuous use, the Hybrid PVC Manhole is the most cost-effective, 100% corrosion-resistant, and permanent solution on the market. The system is manufactured at our Geneva Pipe and Precast facility in Utah and is available now for sanitary sewer projects in Texas.

How It Works

New Construction

Installing the Hybrid PVC Manhole System is a straightforward process that can be self-performed in the field. The base and riser components are assembled with mastic applied between them, forming a watertight seal as they fit together. Since the PVC riser is installed as a single, continuous piece, this system eliminates nearly all secondary joints typically found in conventional precast risers. The structure is then closed off with an FRP-lined lid, and completed with an FRP transition collar that provides isolation protection for the grade rings.


Unlike traditional manhole rehabilitation methods that require ideal conditions—such as dry, clean, and temperature-controlled environments—our Hybrid PVC Manhole System provides a permanent, structural rehab solution that can be completed in a live sewer environment without bypass pumping.

First, the existing structure is scanned to create 3D models. The scans are compared to the original engineering drawings of the existing manholes and used to design the new FRP base liners, PVC risers, and lids, which are engineered to fit the existing concrete structures.

With the cone of the existing manhole excavated, the custom-fabricated FRP base liner is dropped into place and connected to existing inlet and outlet pipes using stainless steel compression sleeves. Next, high-strength, high-flow grout is poured to anchor the liner and provide structural support. The PVC riser is then stacked onto the base liner with mastic applied to ensure a watertight and gas-tight connection. The annular space between the PVC riser and the existing manhole is then grouted. Finally, mastic is applied to the top of the riser before placing the FRP-lined lid.


About the Hybrid PVC Manhole - New Construction

The Hybrid PVC Manhole System for new construction includes an FRP-lined concrete base, PVC riser, and lined concrete flat lid. The PVC riser can be pre-installed with a ladder when required and inside drop structures can be pre-installed or shipped separately. This system minimizes, and in some cases eliminates, the need for confined space entry while significantly reducing the risk of groundwater infiltration due to its joint-free design.

See How it Works


New Sanitary Sewer Systems

Hybrid PVC manholes provide necessary access points for wastewater conveyance systems, while eliminating corrosion concerns for long-lasting performance.

Manhole Rehabilitation

A modular design and zero-bypass installation makes our Hybrid PVC system the ideal solution for cost-effective permanent, structural rehabilitation.

Highly Corrosive Environments

The synthetic polymer base liner, PVC riser, and lined concrete lid components form a water- and gas-tight system to protect against microbiologically influenced corrosion.

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