Fire Fighting Foam Containment System

Fire Fighting Foam Containment System


FoamTrooper® Provides Automatic Management of AFFF Wastewater

Automatic Trigger and Accidental Discharge Protection

The system is triggered by the fire alarm system, which sends a signal to the control panel and activated the system.

Diverter System

A 3-way diversion valve controls the flow of wastewater. Under normal operation, the wastewater is directed to the oil-water separator; and during AFFF release, the wastewater is directed to a containment tank.

Industry Approved

Corps of Engineers, EPA, UPC, and IPC plumbing code compliant.

Below Grade or At Grade Install

System holding tanks, diverter valve, and oil water-separator can all be installed below grade, at grade, or on an airstrip.

Scalable System

Tanks are constructed with precast concrete or fiberglass up to 50,000 gallons and can be configured with multiple tanks.

Pre-packaged Unit

Pre-packaged and engineered systems with CAD files and specifications for specifiers and design-build contractors.


The FoamTrooper™ containment system is designed to manage and contain wastewater generated by aircraft and vehicle washdown, routine maintenance activities, and hydrocarbon spills in hangar facilities.

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) is used for fire suppression systems at aviation facilities and fire training facilities and contains fluorosurfactants, hydrocarbon surfactants, solvents, inorganic salts, and corrosion inhibitors. Our FoamTrooper™ wastewater containment system is activated when AFFF foam is accidentally discharged, tested, or released during a fire event. The fire alarm sends a signal to the FoamTrooper™ control panel, which activates the diverter valve to redirect all wastewater and foam to the foam containment tank.

How It Works

If AFFF foam is discharged during testing, maintenance, or an actual fire, the FoamTrooper™ system activates its foam containment mode. The system is triggered by the fire alarm system, which sends a signal to our control panel. The control panel then signals the actuator diverter valve, which redirects all wastewater and foam to the foam containment tank. During this mode, all wastewater, including oily wastewater and foam, drains into the containment tank.

After a foam release event, the system can be reset to normal condition. The foam containment tank will require emptying and proper disposal of the foam-laden wastewater.

During normal mode, wastewater typically flows from trench drains to the actuator diverter valve which is positioned to direct the wastewater to an oil-water separator. The oil-water separator separates all hydrocarbons and grit from the wastewater before it is discharged into the public sanitary sewer.



See it in Action


ParkUSA’s FoamTrooper™ containment system is essential in any application where AFFF foam is used to prevent contamination of the environment and the public sewer system.


AFFF foam is often used in aircraft firefighting and rescue operations. An AFFF wastewater containment system can be used to capture and treat the wastewater from these operations.

Military Installations

AFFF foam is commonly used on military bases for firefighting and training exercises.

Industrial Facilities

AFFF foam is used in various industrial applications, such as in oil refineries and chemical plants.

Fire Departments

Fire departments may use AFFF foam in firefighting operations. The foam may still be fire trucks when they return to the station for washdown.

Oil and Gas Exploration

AFFF foam is used in oil and gas exploration operations to suppress fires and explosions.

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